TW: mentions of death
The last time i attended the funeral
of a young lad, whose age’s same as mine.
I couldn’t in his grave find a log of body,
But a condensed cloud of unfulfilled dreams.
I ne’er believed heaven is a place
for black-haired men too,
Till the night my brother and I said
the Lord’s prayer with our hands interlocked,
& when morning knocked, I met his statue beside me,
The rest, I couldn’t fathom, till now !
Mum said he is dead and Dad said the same.
Fadairo Tesleem is a young Nigerian poet that writes from Ilorin, Kwara state. He is a teacher, a poetry coach and a literary critic. He is a final year student at “Kamal school of Arabic & Islamic studies” Ilorin, Kwara state. He is a member of “Hill-Tip creative art foundation”, Kwara state branch, also a member of “Association Of Nigerian Authors” ANA Osun state branch.
His poems are published or forthcoming in Fiery scribe review, Pangolin review, Queer Toronto literary magazine, Arts lounge, Best of Africa, Blue Minaret, Down in the dirt, Ninshãr arts and the host of others. He has some poems published to his honour on some self-publishing literary platforms.