This is a fun article to read based on space events that happened in the year 2020 and what will happen in the future too! You will learn about rare occasions that happen almost never and these are all recent.
Here are some of the events:
Jupiter and Saturn conjunction
On Monday, Dec. 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn aligned together in orbit forming a “Christmas star” in the night sky. It is predicted that they will align together again in the year 2080. These conjunctions happen every 20 years the last conjunction happened in mid-2000. Jupiter and Saturn are not actually close to each other, they appear close in the sky, they are still far away and they just overlap in orbit. And that is how we see Jupiter and Saturn so close to each other. Astronomers describe a conjunction as meetings of planets or other objects that we see in the sky. Jupiter and Saturn do not actually emit their own light they get their light from the Sun. These planets have not been this close since 2000.

“What’s Up: December 2020 [Video]”. December 2, 2020. Retrieved from NASA.
Blue Moon in the Halloween sky
On Halloween, Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, there was a blue moon. The moon was not actually blue, it is the same looking moon, but it is called a blue moon because if there are 2 full moons in a month the 2nd full moon will be called a blue moon since there is normally only 1 full moon each month. The 1st full moon in the month October was on the 1st and then the 2nd was on 31st. The 1st moon in October is called a Harvest Moon because it is the first full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox (September 22). Halloween has full moons every 19 years on average.
Moon passes in front of Mars
On Feb. 18, 2020, the Moon passed in front of the planet Mars. This rare event is similar to an eclipse as the moon passes directly between the Earth and Mars. Most of the areas in North America will be able to see Mars disappear behind the moon. This event happened in the Southeastern part of the sky just before sunrise.

“Mars”. Last edited May 3rd, 2021. Retrieved from Wikipedia.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse
On Friday, June 5, 2020 there was a penumbral lunar eclipse. A penumbral lunar eclipse is when the moon passes in through the Earth’s partial shadow and when this happens the moon turns slightly darker but not completely. This eclipse will be most visible in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The moon must be a full moon when this event happens.

Britt, Roy, Robert.
Geminid Meteor Shower
On Sunday, Dec. 13, 2020 there was a Geminid meteor shower. This meteor shower happens every year in December. Geminid meteors that radiate from a constellation called Gemini are like streaks of white in the sky that move slowly. The Geminid meteor shower was the most active this year expecting to see 120 meteors per hour. This meteor shower can be seen from both Southern and Northern hemispheres. This meteor shower first appeared very weak when it was first discovered but grew stronger. Geminid meteors are pieces from an extinct comet called 3200 Phaethon.
Supermoon and a Total Lunar Eclipse
On Tuesday, May 26, 2021 there will be a supermoon that is fully eclipsed. A supermoon is a full moon or a new moon. This event will be visible throughout most of North America, southeast of Asia, all of Australia, and most of Alaska. This lunar eclipse is the first total lunar eclipse since January 21, 2019.