Amani Ali is a grade 11 student at Robert Thirsk High school in Calgary, Canada. She attended grade 10 and 11 classes online during the COVID pandemic. Here are the experiences she shared with Palette under our Learning and Teaching During COVID series. 

Here are the unfavorable things that happened during the pandemic

“It was hard to learn when I wasn’t face to face, in a classroom environment. There seemed to be less support since it was majorly self taught, and it was harder to understand concepts. I had to set up a schedule for myself and write down a lot of to-do lists to get all my work done. There were a lot of times where I sought out family and friends for support when it got difficult.”

These are some things that were constructive for Amani:

“I liked being in the comfort of my own home, and being able to do work somewhat at my own pace. It also taught me the importance of productivity.”

Here are some happenings outside of school that impacted her life:

“My mental health had its highs and lows, but with lack of social interaction, I often found myself lonely and sad. My physical health also deteriorated from not getting a lot of exercise, staring at a screen all day, and having messed up eating and sleeping schedules.”

These are some of the technologies she used for her online school

“Laptop, headphones, d2l, Google Drive, Microsoft Word”

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