Bhawana Pradhan is a grade 11 student at Winston Churchill High School in Lethbridge, Canada. They attended grade 10 and 11 classes in school and online during the COVID pandemic. Here are the experiences they shared with Palette under our Learning and Teaching During COVID series. 

Here are some problems they had to face during COVID:

“The problems I faced while studying during covid was the lack of motivation and the difficulty to understand the materials being taught. I forced myself to do school work so my grades wouldn’t be affected.”

There was some good things too:

“ A positive is that I was able to wake up later and work in the comfort of my own home.”

These are some of the things that affected there life other than there education:

“I wasn’t able to do the sports I did before covid.”

The tech she used to study includes:

“Teams, laptop, phone, headphones, Zoom”