Excerpt from Black Forest Camp

I hid behind a black tree, it looked like it had been burnt, all the trees looked like it. There were no leaves, no living things anywhere to be found, except the crows. The thunder was crackling, and the lightning was the only light except for the windows of the tall, abandoned mansion. There were shadows in the windows, they looked like they were looking for something. I tiptoed to the front door, looked at the doorbell, too creepy to ring. It had a red button that lit up and the rest of it was black.

 The door was unlocked so I opened it. It creaked open. I started trembling. I didn’t close the door cause I wanted to find my way out. But when I looked back, the door was closed. 

“I’m ok, I’m ok!” I said repeatedly.

 I ran my hand across the wall to find the light switch. I felt something rub against the palm of my hand.

“I think this is the light switch.” I whispered. 

I flicked the switch. The light flickered, but then finally turned on.

Want to find out what happens next??

Black Forest Camp is available as an e-book on amazon.

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