Amy Peng is a grade 11 student at Sir Winston Churchill High School, Canada. She attended grade 11 classes online during the COVID pandemic. Here are the experiences she shared with Palette under our Learning and Teaching During COVID series. 

Here are some of the issues Amy struggled with during the pandemic:

“I find online learning difficult because it is hard to stay focused with so many distractions at home. To solve this problem, I always make sure that when I’m studying or attending an online class, I put my electronics away so that I don’t have the urge to use them.”

Although Amy struggled, she gained some advantages too:

“Online learning isn’t that bad once you get used to it, but at first, it’s difficult since it’s very different from the learning environment at school. However, in my experience, online learning strengthens your self-learning and time management skills since there aren’t meetings every day, so usually, you are responsible for learning the material the teacher assigns.”

Here are some of the technologies that she used for her education:

“laptop, youtube, earbuds, google meet, d2L, powerschool.”

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