Sarah Zuo is a grade 12 student at Westmount Charter in Calgary, Canada. She attended grade 11 and 12 both online and in class during the COVID pandemic. Here are the experiences she shared with Palette under our Learning and Teaching During COVID series. 

Here are some of the problems Sarah had to handle:

“I liked online learning because I prefer self-studying. Everything was fine, although our workload did increase.”

These are some of the positives that happened during the pandemic:

“I liked learning from the comfort of home. I had more time to relax and do things like making tea, workout, set my own schedules, etc.”

Sarah also had some impacts outside of her education:

“I love to travel so having to cancel all of my trips was frustrating. Also, my dance studio closed so I haven’t danced since last March. I really enjoyed the summer though. I got to spend time with a lot of friends which I could never do because I’m normally never in Calgary.”

Here are the technologies Sarah used for her online learning:

“Google Classroom, Google Meets, Discord, Laptop, Airpods, Phone.”

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