Why is the Sun Red?

Wildfire smoke has been spreading all across the sky in Ontario. 

Recently there has been a lot of buzz on social media (predominantly tiktok) that the sun is suddenly bright red! It definitely makes an exceptional Instagram or Snapchat story for our followers to see but there are reasons for such a rare sight. 

Wildfire smoke has been spreading across Ontario. As the smoke from northwestern Ontario has moved to southern Ontario, it has caused such haziness in the sky. This can potentially be detrimental to one’s health due to such high levels of air pollution. 


So how is the sun red?

Essentially, the wildfire smoke acts like an instagram filter, since the smoke scatters the sunlight, displaying the colour red to appear as it is the longest wavelength of light. Usually the sun would scatter the colours of the spectrum (not just one).


This sun has truly impacted everyone in a somewhat positive and negative manner. On one hand, it is an interesting sight to look at, but on the other, it displays the consequences of climate change. This climate crisis continuously shows the world how impactful it really is to the people and the planet. 

It’s a wake up call for the world as climate change is real and it’s happening right now.

Cover Image credit: https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2021/07/NINTCHDBPICT000416948957.jpg

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